
What our Clients Say

Glenda Mark

Janice’s classes are absolutely amazing. I travel across to Constantia from the Waterfront each week and it’s so worth the trip! I’ve done this for years.

Each class is different and creative and so it’s never boring as sometimes people say Pilates can be. Janice is so clued up about the muscles and can be completely trusted to deliver a safe and effective program. Over my many years of training with her, she has accommodated and rehabilitated my various injuries.

Aside from anything else, her classes are fun and we all have a laugh to lighten or disguise the hard work we actually put in.

Irina Filatova

In you walk, but out you fly!

Jenni Kallis

I went to Jan feeling achy and sore and suffering from Fibromyalgia. She assessed me thoroughly and advised private sessions as we needed to take things extremely slowly to not aggravate my FM at all.

Well, 9 months later, no I am not pregnant!!! I have had virtually no pain, I am able to move, walk and exercise better than I have ever been able to, even as a youngster. Jan is extremely professional, considerate, concerned and supportive in more ways than just Pilates. She has gone at a pace that I feel nothing but results and look forward to my weekly classes, in-fact I miss them and can feel it in my body when I do not go!

For me Jan has changed my life and I can only say that she is possibly one of the best if not the BEST in her field. I would recommend her without hesitation. GO JAN!!!

Carole O’Reilly

Pilates in Motion – my happy place 🙂

Pilates in Motion doesn’t just get my muscles moving, but my mind too as I say it’s “food for my mind!”

Pilates is my escape from the stresses of life & provides balance to my busy life. Under the caring guidance of Janice, with her exceptional knowledge of the human body & incredable cuing ability, she’ll turn you from zero to hero in no time.

Pilates in Motion provides you with a stress free space to work on both body & mind.
Pilates in Motion is the Yin to my Yang, it gives me balance & keeps me on track.

Maria Stones

Never a dull moment at Pilates in Motion!

Expect to be challenged, mind, body and soul as Janice takes you through precise, original and unexpected Pilates routines to revive your body and you will leave rejuvenated every time…

Anna Stoddard

Pilates is of enormous benefit to me both physically and mentally.

The strengthening of my “core” has helped my lower back problems and the work we do on releasing shoulder tension helps me through the week.

When I drive home from Pilates on a Thursday evening, I feel peaceful and restored.

Ryan O’Mahoney

I love the fact that Pilates in Motion is incredibly professional, yet incredibly warm and fun at the same time. This is not easy to do.

Janice’s classes are well planned, with a target in mind, but you allow space for a relaxed environment where one feels at ease.

Having a class with Janice at the helm makes me feel at ease, knowing that she has thought everything through and is aware of my specific issues.

Tania Bownes

I love my Pilates in Motion classes for many reasons but most importantly…..

I have been doing Pilates with Janice for about 11 or 12 years now – I lose track. She has a very deep knowledge of the body as well as MY body. I am able to build strength and flexibility, while taking great care of areas that are my “weak spots”. I feel safe and supported at all times by her superb attention to detail.

Every class is a challenge on some level and I am never ever bored. Janice is always crafting a new set of exercises for our classes and I never have a sense of just repeating the “same old stuff” week after week. Her cueing is brilliant and she is an all round excellent teacher!

And then there is the lovely group of people I have come to know via Pilates. Some tears but mostly lots of laughter!

Debbie Taylor

My name is Debbie Taylor, I am 48 years old. I have been doing Pilates with Janice for 12 years.

Three years ago due to a back injury I was unable to walk without a stick, my leg was turned inwards, I had a dreadful limp and it was anything but sexy! I also had an aggressive malignant melanoma on my bikini line.

So I decided to remove the melanoma and have my back op at the same time. Post op I was told my spine was a mess but they had done what they could to fix the nerves to my left leg and they told that had my melanoma been left much longer it would have killed me so all in all I was a very happy girl. After 8 weeks recovery I called Jan and told her I wanted to come back to Pilates.

I have been doing pilates for 22 years and thought I would be able to just slot back into classes – not so.

I found that with being cut along my bikini line I could no longer activate my lower tummy and with the trauma to my lower spine the muscles in my lower back and buttock were locked. I still could not feel my leg, my foot was still turned inwards and would not flex. I still needed a stick to walk. I was grumpy and in a lot of pain.

So began my road to recovery – it was slow, it was frustrating, it was painful and it was humbling and a couple times along the way I did not listen to Jan and pushed my body too far too soon and landed going backwards and having to start again.

It was her quiet, firm yet gentle non-judgemental approach to each exercise, regardless of my attitude that got me to the end of each the session. She never gave up on me.

I wanted to charge ahead, get back to everyday living and do exactly what I had always been able to do but slowly, with patience she guided me not only in understanding my new body, its limitations and how to get the most out of it but in learning to accept it without bitterness.

If it was not for Jan’s expertise in knowing how to assist my body and mind in its healing I would not be pain free, walking without a limp and back in a normal Pilates class. Happy Days!

Roz von Zwiklitz

Pilates in Motion is the place to be. The classes are superb with attention to detail and everyone’s needs are catered for in a kind and caring way.

There is also a great deal of fun to be had and lots of laughs to be shared. Move out of your comfort zone and be challenged in a different way.